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Construction Professionals, CPPL logo

Workplace Safety &
Health Policy


The safety and well-being of our employees are vital at CPG Corporation. We aspire to create a workplace with zero accidents, injuries, or occupational dangers. Our "Zero Harm" strategy reflects our steadfast commitment to continually improving safety standards and providing a safer work environment. We are dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment by adhering to the following principles:


Safety First: We place the safety and well-being of our employees above anything else. Everyone has the right to work in a safe and secure workplace.


Everyone is Accountable: Everyone is accountable for workplace safety and health. Every employee, from top management to frontline workers, is responsible for their actions and safeguarding themselves and others.


Regulation Compliance: We strictly adhere to all applicable safety and health rules, codes, and standards established by local authorities and regulatory agencies.


Mental Health: We understand the significance of mental health in the workplace. We give tools and assistance to enhance mental health, assuring our employees' overall well-being.


Prevention: We place a high priority on incident and injury prevention. To reduce risks and establish a safe working environment, we actively identify and prevent possible hazards.


Integrated Management: We incorporate safety and health issues into all elements of our business operations. We ensure that safety precautions are included in our planning, design, execution, and maintenance processes.


Management Accountability: Managers are held accountable for workplace safety and health at all levels. They oversee promoting and implementing safety regulations, developing a safety culture, and leading by example.


Safety Budget: We budget enough money to support our safety activities, such as training, equipment, safety measures, and continual improvement efforts.


Setting Ambitious Objectives: We set ambitious objectives for workplace safety and health, and we strive for continuous improvement. These objectives are quantifiable, time-bound, and in accordance with industry best practices.


Robust System and Processes: To efficiently manage workplace safety and health, we maintain a robust system and standardised processes. These include policies, procedures, guidelines, and protocols to consistently guarantee that safety standards are adhered to.


Training and Knowledge: We provide frequent training to our employees to improve their abilities and increase their knowledge of workplace safety and health. We enable employees to make educated decisions and take proactive safety precautions by providing the required knowledge and tools.


Incident Reporting: We create a thorough incident reporting system that encourages employees to report events immediately and correctly, allowing us to investigate and take remedial steps effectively.


Risk Management: We undertake detailed risk assessments to identify possible hazards and implement effective control mechanisms to reduce workplace risks.


Safety Audit: Our top management oversees frequent workplace safety audits and inspections. These assessments verify compliance, highlight areas for improvement, and motivate remedial action.


Review and Communication: To maintain the efficacy of our safety policies, procedures, and practices, we undertake frequent evaluations. We immediately and efficiently convey any modifications or adjustments to all employees.


Data Analytics: We use data analytics to acquire insights into safety patterns, identify possible areas for improvement, and enhance safety measures.


Empowerment: We encourage our employees to take an active role in ensuring a safe working environment. We urge them to take responsibility for workplace safety, offer feedback, and develop new methods to improve workplace safety.


Positive Workplace Culture: We emphasize open communication, cooperation, and mutual respect.


By following these principles and consistently improving our safety and health policies, we can provide a safe and healthy work environment for all CPG Corporation employees.

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